
    Time for the journey of our life    
We get this realm reborn, To the heavens we ride, Fighting through the storm, And leave the shadows far behind, Walk back to the end, From a trial with fate, Turn back and transcend, Or give me a sign of faith-- Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go? No more running!

balmung,     crystal


             ✗ walk up rp.                ✓ tells.                ✓ mature rp.

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats“Magic doesn’t require beauty,’ she said. ‘Easy magic is pretty. Great magic asks that you trouble the waters. It requires a disruption, something new.” — Leigh Bardugo“Each spell is a constellation in the galaxy of magic, forming patterns of amazement.” — Jon Finch

©  carrd template by paletterph.


     name       rael delacroix.    aliases      TBD.    age      late 30's.    nameday      1st Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon. [June 1st].    gender      masculine / fluid. [he / they].    sun / moon / rising     gemini / leo / scorpio.    chronicles & notes      [ view here ].

     orientation       pansexual.    race      half midlander hyur / half wildwood elezen.    birth place      old sharlayan, the northern empty.    residence      unnamed island / the lavender beds.    profession      "researcher" / newfound adventurer.    patron deity      oschon.    relationship status      single.

•    intelligence    ★★★★★★★★☆☆

•    wisdom    ★★★★★★★☆☆☆☆

•    charisma    ★★★★★★★★★

" This is the real secret of life— to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now— and instead of calling it work, realize it is play. " — alan watts

*    ▊▊   voice claim:    english: kaiji tang / japanese: yuichi nakamura

•    dexterity    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆

•    strength    ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆

•    constitution    ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

the soul.

     the personality      rael delacroix is hard to pin down personality-wise. even to the people closest to him, he's a bit of an enigma. this isn't about a desire to be a mystery (though i'm sure the very mention of the concept would inflate their ego), but more so it's about the different masks that rael has learned to wear to succeed in different aspects of life. it's true that all peoples do this to a point, but rael, well, he's always been a bit slippery when it comes to being genuine.his "default" personality, or the one he presents with in most public settings, could be considered easy, laid back, and one could even argue for weirdly compassionate in certain circumstances. rael is relatively approachable, smiles frequently, and keeps an air of social civility. he's confident, open-minded, and certainly willing to share his opinions on a wide variety of subjects—sometimes at great length. This is the rael most people know and the one that is generally accepted.

it's not all rainbows and unicorns, though. rael is as flawed as they come and he makes mistakes. frequently. they can come off as a know-it-all, especially when it comes to magick and spellcraft. rael has a nasty habit of thinking people don't understand as much as he does, and surely they need a lesson in it all. That, or he dismisses intelligence in forms he doesn't have experience with directly, such as folk or tribal magicks. another flaw is judging people on how useful they can be and how well they're willing to listen to his brilliant ideas. once rael feels slighted or unappreciated, his attitude takes a nosedive.what lies beyond the masks, though? difficult to say. based on his verbosity, it's clear that the magician cares a great deal about a great many things. his talent for magick, for starters. Technology, societal advancements, history, trinkets and artifacts, current events, the list goes on. However, all of those things, the chatter, the debate, the annoying impulse to rile up those he opposes, seems to be a smokescreen. a projection of insecurity? a deep, unconscious fear of ...something? probably both. will he have a heart-to-heart with you to figure it out? definitely not. but...you never know.

& key items.

important items commonly found in their inventory.

     magickal tools     
grimoires, swords, staves... they all come and go, but the memories made coalesce in their mind and soul.
at this point in time, Rael possesses no soul crystals. everything he's learned he has learned by his own experience, study, and merit. as a chaote, he dabbles in every school of magick known and enjoys the thrill of learning. there are no limits to what he might master.

     potions & ethers     
Processed via the alchemical extraction of aetheric essence occurring in elemental crystals, the contents of this vial instantly restore a significant amount of mana.
even before his decision to become an adventurer, rael was a frequent traveler to far-off locales. for wonder or ruins, there is no telling what could occur out in the wilds. always best to carry replenishment.

     chi-q-117 whistle     
hollowed from the horn of an antelope, this whistle serves as a way to call on rael's familiar, CHI-Q-117. Chi, for short.
the tune that rael plays on this whistle signals which form for chi to take, whether it's a cat, python, bird, or otherwise. Chi is a project that rael has been working on and adding to since he graduated the studium. this familiar is very dear to him and serves as a companion for when he's feeling low.

     star sapphire music box     
This expertly crafted music box plays only one half of a melody. Pair with a star ruby music box to complete the song.
nowadays rael only has his half of the music box. it's small enough that it fits in his pack. naturally, there's a story here of course involving someone that used to be in his life but is no longer. rael is very fond of music, but this song...he only listens to it on rare occasion.

     phoenix down     
The billowy plumage of the fledgling Phoenix─a legendary bird that, upon each fiery death, is said to rise from its own ashes in a literal "blaze of glory." When placed upon the body of one who is incapacitated, it will instantly revive the person. While some cultures insist that the tailfeather's restorative properties trump those of down, these claims have yet to be proven in any sort of scientific capacity.
Life is full of uncertainties and keeping one's life during the midst of local (or global) trouble is even more of a challenge. rael has learned not to take any chances.

the history.

Rael Delacroix's childhood isn't much of a story by itself. they are the child of isuka mihata and maurelin delacroix, which was a light controversy at the time, but is old, forgotten news nowadays. His mother and father were never married and have lead separate lives for many, many cycles now. He has a sibling or two, but never mentions them in conversation. It's little to do with animosity and everything to do with lack of interest. with his parents separated since early on, rael is well used to the idea of "traveling between worlds." the realm of his mother is vastly different than that of his father. this, overall, is a good thing; it kept his young, developing mind flexible.Like most youth in Sharlayan, Rael had the privilege of access to a world of education, and also like most youths, he graduated from the studium. the atmosphere of the studium formed rael's opinions about academia and people, which most definitely influences his actions to this very sun and beyond. one of his achievements that is still in place within sharlayan is the founding of a "secret club" within the students of the studium. this club (which rael called an order) focused on the development and learning of magicks not taught by any willing professor. it still exists even with the constant rotation of students over the years, though maybe it isn't as much of a well-kept secret any longer.

The rest is certainly difficult to sum up with few words. rael did not waste any time leaving the northern empty entirely for cycles, only returning to check in on his mother from time to time. they've traveled to places not labeled on maps, to port cities that span the countryside in houses. Rael soaks in every new experience with fresh vigour and eagerness and never leaves before learning some secret or plucking up some magickal spell or artefact. they are a seeker, ever moving forward and never looking back.with some reluctance, it became clear over time that carrying around bags and satchels full of priceless magickal tools was not the best idea; they're basically bandit magnets! So nowadays, Rael does have a few bases of operation dotted across Etheirys that he does call "home." they'd likely not admit it to anyone, but spending time there alone is one of his favourite activities when he's not gallivanting across the land.


    mbti      ENTP-A    dnd      chaotic good.    likes      books, grimoires, music & art, coffee and tea, learning, debate, stimulating conversation, good food, dancing, toys-baubles-knickknacks, anything magickal, studying history, plants, libraries, mythical creatures or items, scenery, outer space/stars and the night sky.    dislikes      time, sleep, being told something is "forbidden", being denied freedoms, religious dogma, boredom, oppression and threats toward the weak, ignorance, being disliked solely for possessing intellect.    fears      small spaces, extremely crowded spaces, being or feeling bodily constricted, "friends", amongst other unnamed things.

    hobbies      painting, writing, alchemy, developing spells and rituals, extensive reading, cooking, sightseeing, fishing, talking--he does a lot of that.    skills      imagination and constructs, magicks and aetheric manipulation, research and study, divination, meditation, quick-thinking, self preservation, some martial skill.

" Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations. " — alan watts


    unnamed island      rael found this relatively uninhabited island in the cieldales some time ago, and is happy to keep it as private as possible. the mammets he's "accumulated" over his cycles have come in handy, and they keep the place neat and tended during his long absences. so far, no other soul has been invited to this private paradise.    limsa lominsa      rael's favoured city in eorzea is Limsa Lominsa. its free spirit and ever-breeze give him a sense of belonging, even if he knows no one in sight. he enjoys the diversity, the beach, and the sunny days spent there. it's not surprising to know that he has several arcanist contacts within Limsa as well, and can be seen chatting up the guild members about anything and everything related to arcanima.    the lavender beds      located at ward 11, plot 1, this is rael's primary residence and the home of the vast majority of his acquired items. he keeps the place looking as unassuming as possible from the outside; no one needs to know a wizard lives here! move along. But even with extensive warding, sometimes curious forest-dwellers are prone to snoop... And they are met with some quite unpleasant surprises as their reward.    bokairo inn      Kugane is one of Rael's favourite cities in the realm. If the solitary island life isn't inspiring, they get away from it all for a while at the Bokairo Inn (Shirogane, Ward 11, Apartment 068). Rael loves strolling through the markets; they savour the lights, the energy of the passerbys, and samples a healthy amount of dango. While in the area, they often visit Tamamizu—another favourite locale. Sometimes Rael brings his mother along to this specific "landing point" as she does enjoy making occasional visits to her native doma.

    hook#1 : sharlayan    

in a case of east meets west, rael is the child of a doman and a sharlayan. he is fluent in a handful of spoken languages and one of them is Doman thanks to his mother. that being said, he was born and raised in old sharlayan, and rael is definitely sharlayan, through and through.if your character is sharlayan or has ties to sharlayan, this would be an easy starting point for something in common. (whether this would end up as friendship or rivalry, well, to be determined!) rael is ~38 years old, so to have attended the studium with him your character would need to be around that age-group. due to one of rael's bigger mistakes, he has been in service to the studium for quite a while and has ties to gleaner/labyrinthos people as well. the possibilities are pretty open in this aspect!

    hook#2 : magick    

archmage, wizard, sorcerer...chaos magician.rael goes by all of these and more. he considers himself a perpetual student of magick and is interested in every facet of it. he loves larges places of learning, such as universities, libraries, basically anywhere that gives free access of information. by that same token, he also enjoys religious sanctums and places with ties to the occult, such as churches, temples, ruins, and other less savoury ritual grounds.if your character has any interest in magick or acquiring magickal items, rael is an easy mark in terms of interest, so long as the concept/quarry interests him.

    hook#3 : adventurer    

due to current life circumstances, rael has taken up the title of "adventurer" recently. the main reason for this is more earthly and humdrum than anything: gil. the man's broke and needs money to fund his perpetual thirst for knowledge and, of course, power.as a new adventurer, he is potent with spells but lacks experience in the field. rael hasn't been in many life-or-death situations, and he certainly has never killed or harmed anyone physically. this will be a new start for him and one that may not come as easily as he predicts.rael is currently open to go on leves, hunts, or any other sort of "typical adventurer" type of activity. he may not understand a lot in this new world, but he is at least willing to do it for the money.

    hook#4 : tutor    

though he may not always act the part, rael is passionate and knowledgeable. he knows some secrets of magick better than the back of his own hands and is willing to share them with those he considers kindred spirits. his lessons would likely not be in the most "formal" atmosphere, but rael could be convinced to take on a student or two for magickal tutoring purposes.given his history with the studium, his approach would be unorthodox and probably dangerous...but highly educational!if your character wants a teacher for the occult and magickal arts, rael delacroix is a viable option. message me to set up more specific details.


    a splash of exposition        *

rael delacroix is my main pve character in final fantasy xiv, however he is a new role-play character. at this point in time (02/03/2024) they have just begun their forays into the world of an adventurer after many, many cycles of being a sort of "adjunct researcher." that is to say: rael is a clean, fresh slate for dawntrail and beyond. rael also has a "warrior of light" version that exists mostly in my head. I do not role-play him as the WoL, but he does have this aspect to him tucked away in the background. he is different from my previous characters in many ways, not just in how he was created in my mind, but also how I will be writing him and executing his actions over time. for more details, please ask me over discord.

    on relationships        *

as of now rael is single with (0) zero prospects. casual hook-ups are fine and welcome, but encounters may end up being fade-to-black depending on the situation. i want to build up his contacts and experiences first and foremost. if romance occurs organically, that's great, because it will be a result of long-term storytelling and mutual energy input into said story between the characters. shipping is great and I'm not against it, but there are so many other aspects to role-play worth exploring. rivals, enemies, moral quandaries, etc. all interest me just as much as romance! if you have an idea for our role-play please feel free to discuss relationships/interest with me oocly, so that no real feelings get hurt here. ooc > ic, always!


a.l.k.   |   late 30's   |   they/them/she/her


    hard lines        *



  • I AM NOT MY CHARACTER; MY CHARACTER IS NOT ME. do not conflate the two.



    about me        *

hi! my name is a.l.k. but most of my friends online call me aiden. i've been playing final fantasy xiv since ARR 2.0 (2013) and have been running a role-play focused free company for that long as well. though i'm very proud of what i've made over the last decade, i wanted to try something new with dawntrail, so this is my fresh start!




& abilities.

there is no such thing as forbidden knowledge.

    schools of magick    

›    details:    rael has no official affiliation with any guild or religious creed. he dabbles, studies, and creates as he desires. "nothing is true; everything is permitted."

though rael picks and chooses from the various schools, he does tend to favour some spells over others. his primary go-to is pictomancy, but he also enjoys utilizing arcanima, astromancy, and even void magic. it will take some honing to use his magic for more basic intentions, such as fighting.

    construct creation    

›    details:    magickal infusions and creation are some of rael's favour forms of magick. his various "homes" are filled with enchanted items given life and free movement.

Rael is credited with theories and developments and has a few papers published for these reasons. his graduating thesis was a construct that he developed from scratch using his knowledge of pictomancy and arcanima. this construct is what he named chimerical quintessence. The being in question still exists to this sun and serves as rael's faithful, shapeshifting familiar. it has both independent will and is tied directly to rael.The version that exists now is CHI-Q-117. Aptly shortened to "Chi" this creation can become a variety of animals. Black short-hair cat, blue kingbird, common raven, rainbow python, barn owl, direwolf, sugar glider and frog are some of the most utilized Chi forms.

    budding martial skill    

›    details:    the meager amount of martial skill rael possesses is purely from his mother. as a swordsman herself, she insisted that rael learn how to handle a polearm and blade from a young age.

rael is out of practice when it comes to his swordplay and such, but he is including a bit of daily practice with a training dummy! how hard can it be?


    Isuka Mihata    


isuka is rael's birth mother. she hails from the doman capital. her life was greatly impacted by the garlean threats that loomed over doma well before its recent total occupation. therefore, when she met the traveling researcher ijin, maurelin delacroix, she gained every opportunity to speak with him. what began as a forbidden love affair eventually fizzled into something less healthy for either of them. Though maurelin did get isuka out of doma as she desired, they never married. she raised rael together-yet-separate with maurelin; both had equal share of their child's custody. Isuka is strong-willed, highly independent, and stubborn. Of all the people in Rael's life right now, she is the closest to them. she and maurelin are on amicable terms and consider each other distant friends. isuka never married, but she did have one other child after rael.

relationship type       mother, confidante.

    Maurelin Delacroix    


maurelin is rael's birth father and a native to old sharlayan. when he was traveling and met isuka, he was a gleaner. however, those days of travel are well behind him. after returning to sharlayan to be a father to rael, maurelin focused more on his expertise with technology and study. he is an avid reader and much of rael's knowledge originated from maurelin's home library. the elezen is kind-hearted, compassionate, and gentle. though he cannot say for certain, rael believes his father still holds a torch for isuka knowing his feelings will never be requited. as a child, teen, and young adult, when rael needed something he knows he could always go to his father with little fuss. that came to a somewhat abrupt end about ten cycles ago when Maurelin became part of a project that forbid his leave or contact with the outside world...

relationship type       father, dependable support.

    yachiyo mihata    


rael's younger half-sister, born of isuka and the man that would have been his step-father, Weland Fuller. unfortunately, yachiyo never got to meet her father, as he died before she was a cycle old. unlike rael's joint-custody agreement, yachiyo was raised solely by isuka. it seems this woman was born with a chip on her shoulder, and was never known to be agreeable in any circumstance. her jealousy for rael was obvious, and the pair were nearly always fighting or bickering about something petty. even when rael wasn't at home, yachiyo and isuka would argue. though rael and his sister aren't close, he is grateful to her for teaching him how to survive verbal assaults and learn how to argue efficiently. they have not spoken in cycles.

relationship type       somewhat estranged / half sibling.

    Ailwin Tucker    


ailwin is one of rael's first friends and used to be considered his "right hand man" back in their studium days. not only were they inseparable but their ideologies were similar ...to a point. that point took many cycles to show itself, but eventually ailwin walked out of rael's life forever. ailwin is of stout heart, grounded, and rather persnickety when it comes to attachments. rael did not take this "friendship break-up" well at all, and is still confused by it to this day. they would say it's all forgotten and water under the bridge, etc., but is it really, though?

relationship type       former friend.